Pink Beach (Pantai Pink) is located on the Tanjung Ringgit penisula on Lombok Island, about a 2 hour drive from the cruise port or Mataram city. Pink Beach in Lombok is one of ten beaches in the world that are pink, and Indonesia is home to two – with the other found in Komodo Island. The beach is pink because tiny fragments of the red coral on the nearby reef break off and wash up on the beach. The red fragments mix with the white sand on the beach to give the sand a rosy pink hue. It is various shades from subtle to strong, depending on the time of day and the lighting.
Lombok is an island in Indonesia that is 1,750 sq miles (4,514 sq km) in size and has a population of almost 4 million. Lombok is part of the West Nusa Tenggara province. Tanjung Ringgit is a small peninsula that sticks out of the southeast corner of Lombok overlooking Sumbawa Island across the Alas Strait.
It’s quite a drive to Tanjung Ringgit, which will also give you an appreciation for the island and it’s people.
The roads on the way are mostly well paved two lane roads, surrounded by farmland and row after row of rice crops. When the rice is ready to harvest, the workers pull all the rice out of the fields and dump it on tarps on the side of the road to dry and bag.
All of the roads are also lined with small shops and businesses, often selling local fruits and vegetables.
The Pink Beach (Pantai Pink) is located on the north side of the Tanjung Ringgit peninsula, very close to the end. At the end of the peninsula is a small nature preserve with some amazing cliffs and views.
It’s also the home of the Tanjung Ringgit Lighthouse, which sits at the highest point of the peninsula.
Lombok was occupied by the Japanese during World War II, so there are a lot of structures, cannons, and caves left over from their occupation. Tanjung Ringgit has several structures remaining, including this cannon emplacement near the lighthouse.