We spent an awesome day mountain biking in Dupont State Forest near Asheville. We were expertly guided by Chris and Chad from Pisgah Mountain Bike Adventures. They offer a terrific guide service for riders from outside their area. We had an awesome day, and they tailored the ride perfectly to suit our tastes (lots of downhill and scenery, without too much uphill!). Chris and Chad were great guides, and very knowledgeable about Dupont State Forest and the local area. We had a great 1/2 day ride with them, and then a very good (included) picnic lunch in the parking lot while we were cooling down. Highly recommended if you’re not familiar with the hundreds of miles of singletrack in the Asheville area. Let them guide, and concentrate on the ride!

Here’s a link to the guides at PMBA, and a couple of pictures from the ride:
Pisgah Mountain Bike Adventures

A peek at the beautiful State Forest

A peek at the beautiful State Forest